Caring School Community
Evidence Based SEL Curriculum
OUSD adopted Caring School Community curriculum to promote educational equity by building school-wide community and developing students' social skills and SEL competencies.

Launching Caring School Community
These slides offer a CSC introduction.
Click the link above for instructions on creating a CSC portal account and claiming licenses for your CSC grade level material. This link will also provide instructions for logging into the CSC learning portal to find material once you have established your account.
This learning module will prepare you to launch the school year using the Caring School Community Curriculum. With attention to the beginning of the school year classroom routines and norms, student relationships, and supportive learning structures that set the foundation for a caring school community all year long.
This pathway will ask you to think about how you would like students to experience the start of the school day. Are you looking to reset behavioral expectations, set a clear tone, and build the relationships necessary for learning? This pathway will provide guidance on exploring the essential components of a strong morning meeting and lead you through the Caring School Community curriculum morning meeting tools.
Caring School Community (CSC) Community Chats (K-1) and Class Meetings(2-5) provide regular and ongoing support for students to engage in collaborative problem solving and collective care. This pathway will support you to use CSC’s curricular tools to engage students in meaningful weekly conversations that support SEL skill-building and increase students’ collective agency in the classroom.
Caring School Community Cross Age Buddies Activities support building caring relationships across the school by connecting older and younger students for joint activities. These activities support students to get to know one another, explore academic content, and reflect on their experience. This module will help you launch cross-age buddies at a school level and also think about how some of these activities may even benefit students in the same grade to build connections across classrooms.
This module will prepare you to use the Caring School Community Closing Week. This week should be used during the last week of school and is designed to help students reflect on progress they made individually and as a group. This week is also designed to support bringing closure to the school year, celebrating success, looking forward to new beginnings, and saying goodbye.
Caring School Community program provides a conversational template for supporting students through tragic current events, local issues, and school community concerns. This week can also serve as a template for handling the ongoing changes that students are navigating as we move through this global pandemic. Exploring this pathway will provide you an in depth understanding of how the “Responding to Tragedy” topic week can be used as a guide for responsive practice in a variety of circumstances as they arise.
This pathway will support you to think about integrating SEL into academic instructional practices and providing other opportunities for explicit SEL skill building and support. The district SEL Team recommends several high impact SEL strategies to incorporate as needed. These strategies can enhance units, stand on its own, or be fully integrated into academic routines.

Caring School Community Virtual PD
Aug. 2nd AM 10:00 12:00 Site based PD; Launching CSC
Aug. 2nd PM 1:00-3:00 Site based PD; Launching CSC
Aug. 3rd AM 10:00- 12:00 Site based PD; Launching CSC
Aug. 3rd PM 1:00- 3:00 Central Office Training
Aug. 8th 1:30-3:00 Site based PD; Launching CSC
Aug. 10th 1:30-3:00 Site based PD; Launching CSC