SEL-UCB Research Practice

Since late 2019, the SEL Team and UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Education have partnered to...

This partnership is part of a broader effort by OUSD and UC Berkeley to cultivate a collaborative and reciprocal relationship seeking to learn together and to generate, transform, and use knowledge together, so that equity of opportunity and learning will exist among and for OUSD students, teachers and leaders.

  • recognizing complementary expertise of researchers and practitioners and collaborating across difference through genuine communication

  • co-designing systemic interventions, practices, policies, solutions, and innovations

  • generating authentic, relevant, timely, and rigorous research; and

  • learning, growing, and improving together to effect positive changes.

Research Brief _ Educator Resilience - SEL.pdf

Educator Resilience: Stressors, Compassion Fatigue and SEL Competencies/Support

Research Brief _ Educator Resilience - Teaching Efficacy.pdf

Educator Resilience: Online Teaching Efficacy, School Connectedness & Frequency of Contact Attempts